Things we learned in July
We’re at the end of July, meaning we’re inching closer to autumn and the promise of cooler weather. Obviously, when it is colder we will be desperate for a heatwave, but my melting brain cannot comprehend that right now. This month has been another good ‘un, with fab podcasts, posts and amazing competitions, including MAN v […]
Things we learned in June
Another month is over and it has been a corker – we won an award, held our first ever webinar and we’re also well into our Twitter World Cup of MAN v FAT Football team names. Here are the things we learned in June… A ‘large percentage’ of men in the UK don’t go to […]
7 things we learned in April
Back in the day, when MAN v FAT was but a sapling and before we helped MAN v FAT Footballers lose 100,000lbs, we used to round up the months with some interesting tidbits that we learned. We get sent a lot of press releases and other random stuff that doesn’t have a home anywhere else […]