The MAN v FAT Podcast episode 17: Protein bars
In episode 17 of the MAN v FAT Podcast, we review the best and worst protein bars on the market, talk about how you should always check the calories properly and discuss what the best chocolate bar ever is. And Roman educates us about what too much protein can do to your er, movements… […]
The MAN v FAT Podcast episode 16: Getting fit in your 60s

In episode 16 of the MAN v FAT Podcast, Stu and Roman talk to MvF Football player John Barberio from the Salford league. He reveals how he lost 28KG, tells us how his health has improved dramatically and what it’s like to get fit and healthy in your sixties. Listen to the episode on […]
The MAN v FAT Podcast episode 15 – New year goals

In episode 15 of the MAN v FAT Podcast – the first of 2019! – we take a look back at the last few months. We discuss setting goals for the new year, why rewarding yourself is important and our favourite podcasts so far. Listen to the episode on Soundcloud above, or click here […]
The MAN v FAT Podcast episode 14 – the Christmas dinner special

In Episode 14 of the MAN v FAT podcast, we talk saving calories at Christmas with 20-year veteran chef Maria Tildesley, how to keep your Turkey moist without adding excess fat, why big potatoes make the healthiest roasties and we also debate what the best Christmas movie is (spoiler: Die Hard is not a Christmas […]
The MAN v FAT Podcast episode 13 – what does it take to become a champion?

In the penultimate episode of the year, we chat to MAN v FAT Football league winning captains Lew, Jon and Mike to find out what it takes to become MAN v FAT Football champions. We discuss what happens when the penny finally drops, why you should celebrate your weight loss and why every team needs a […]
The MAN v FAT Podcast – Episode 11 with the British Obesity Society

In Episode 11 we chat to Jane and Paul from the British Obesity Society about their work, discussing what makes the nation fat, how our eating habits have changed and chocolate vending machines in gyms. or click here if you can’t see the Soundcloud widget And good news for anyone who doesn’t use Soundcloud […]
The MAN v FAT Podcast – Episode 10

In Episode 10 of the MAN v FAT Podcast we talk to our very own Roman Conrad about his weight loss journey. He recounts the moment he decided to change his life and we discuss how weight loss helped with his epilepsy. We also finally settle the big debate: who would win in a fight […]
MAN v FAT Podcast episode 9 – food glorious food

The latest episode of the MAN v FAT podcast is here, and this week we’re chatting to MAN v FAT’s resident chef Nadine Taylor! With a background in nutrition, Nadine is the brains behind our brilliant recipes, and she has a real knack for creating tasty low-cal meals. You can check out her recipes for […]
The MAN v FAT Podcast St George’s Park special

This week’s MAN v FAT podcast was recorded at the MAN v FAT Football national tournament at the home of English football, St. George’s Park. If you were there here’s your chance to relive the day, with ace interviews from players, coaches and the MVF team. And if you weren’t there, have a listen for […]
The MAN v FAT Podcast: Episode 7
In Episode 7 of the MAN v FAT podcast, we move away from MAN v FAT Football and talk weight loss in general. We talk to veteran personal trainer James Connor about why the gym can be an intimidating place, the advantages of meal prepping and how slow and steady beats crash diets. We may […]