How to cut down on food waste

You’ve done it again, you’ve cooked way too much and in the bin it goes. I don’t wanna be that person but c’mon, you’re wasting your time, your money and food. And we waste so much food. In 2015, Brits chucked away 7.3 million tonnes, or £13 billion worth, of perfectly edible food. Honestly, doesn’t the thought […]

Healthy meal prep recipes: 7 amazing meals for making ahead

healthy meal prep recipes - butternut squash massaman curry

We’ve had quite the focus on meal prep recently, just because it’s honestly a really helpful thing you can do to help maximise your weight loss chances. But whenever I set aside some time to do it, I always seem to end up with the same old meals that all come from a pack of […]

7 things that will make meal prep easier

things that will make meal prep easier - bee's wrap

When you meal prep, you mean business. You’re a man with a plan and you’re not leaving anything to chance – you’re going to do whatever you can to see that number on the scale go down at your next weigh in. But meal prepping with your old, beaten up Tupperware is a slog, and […]

Why you should be batch cooking

Tuna salad lunch box - why you should be batch cooking

Like the Robin to your Batman, the Watson to your Holmes, the Jesse Pinkman to your Walter White – batch cooking needs to become your BFF, or at least your sidekick. What is batch cooking?  Batch cooking is cooking extra portions alongside the meal you’re eating. I know what you’re thinking – how is this […]

Beginner’s guide to meal prep

Meal prep: it’s the buzzword in the weight loss world right now and you might be wondering if you’re missing out on something. Should you be doing it too? What are the benefits of doing it? If you’re on Instagram and follow any weight loss or fitness-focused accounts, you’ve probably seen some amazing examples of […]

Subway Healthy Swaps: The MAN v FAT Swap Shop

Aaaand we’re back for another snack attack. This time we’re looking at Subway healthy swaps – we’re gonna Eat Fresh in the only place where your sandwich is made by an artist. We’re stood in Subway and we’re hungry. The smell of bread is intoxicating, I get it. How are you going to resist? Well, perhaps […]

Healthy world cup snacks

Healthy world cup snacks

Everyone loves snacking – there’s something just so great about eating in between meals, mostly just for the pure joy of it. How can you stick to healthy world cup snacks? Unfortunately, it can be all too easy to go overboard, especially when your mind is elsewhere – like when you’re, oh I don’t know, praying […]

What cravings mean and how to conquer them

What cravings mean and how to conquer them

We all get them and if you’re anything like us, sometimes it can feel like a nigh-on-impossible task to resist them. Yep, we’re talking about cravings, which every dieter will tell you can be one of the hardest things about losing weight. It just feels so UNFAIR to not be able to eat 63 biscuits […]

McDonald’s Healthy Swaps: The MAN v FAT Swap Shop

You’ve gone out with the lads/the other half/the kids (delete as appropriate) and your belly is rumbling louder than a jumbo jet on take-off. You’re walking down the high street and their attention has been grabbed by a brightly coloured fast-food restaurant sign and their eyes widen at the thought of a burger. Surely you can’t […]

How to make amazing vegetarian Cantonese dishes

This week is National Vegetarian Week and it’s the perfect excuse to get some variety in your meals by going veggie. We’ve posted some amazing vegetarian recipes before, but this week we’re looking at how you can make amazing vegetarian Cantonese dishes as this is a cuisine that lends itself so well to going meat-free. […]