Greggs Healthy Swaps: The MAN v FAT Swap Shop

There is only one thing that can unite the country more than a pandemic. And that is Greggs. I for one, am not entirely sure how we have all been coping without our (usually) pastry-based treats. It seems to be a fact that in tough times, we turn to carbohydrates and well, times have been […]

Don’t get red carded – try these healthy eating transfers

It’s the age-old phrase – everything in moderation. And while that’s true, a little too much of what you fancy can see you having a nightmare on the scales. We’ve worked out some top-notch transfers to protect you from getting red carded at the first hurdle – and no, they’re not all salad. Fried chicken […]

Pandemic Pantry Essentials

You don’t need a massively stocked kitchen to make decent meals for you and your family. However, there are a few essentials that can help jazz up things up if it’s starting to get repetitive or if you’re wanting to try something new.  Some of these items may not feel like essentials, and you might […]

Simple 3 ingredient recipes to save a trip to the shops

If you’ve filled your fridge and cupboards, you’re in a good place. If you’re scrambling around to find something for tea then with these recipes, you might still be in a good place! Everyone is trying to limit trips to the shops, so these recipes will go some way to stretching out what you’ve already […]

Flippin’ Fantastic Pancake Day Recipes 2020

If the weather/the long road to payday/half term (delete as appropriate) has been getting you down, fear not as today is pancake day and we’re here to spread the joy with the best pancake day recipes. Can you have a big fat stack of pancakes when you’re trying to lose weight? Well, you may want […]

How to get started with #Veganuary

In the spirit of ‘new year, new me’, taking up month-long challenges to better yourself in some way is an extremely popular way of getting your year off to a good start, and one of the most popular ones at the moment is #Veganuary.  #Veganuary encourages you to go vegan for a month, ditching the […]

12 of our favourite low calorie snack ideas

Sometimes breakfast, lunch and dinner just aren’t enough and you need snacks to get you through the day. But how do you deal with the urge to eat ALL the things when you’re trying to limit how many calories you’re consuming? You need an arsenal of low-calorie snack ideas to draw on in your time […]

5 products to make Veganuary easier

If you’ve decided to give Veganuary a go, it can be a bit of a shock to the system, especially if you’re used to loading up on meat at every meal. We’ve found that veganism hasn’t been all that popular – whenever we’ve mentioned it on here or on Instagram it’s been met with resistance […]

Healthy Christmas swaps: the MVF Festive Swap Shop!

It’s a tough time of year; social events, family gatherings, work dos. It’s hard to navigate December without feeling like the mirror is showing you Father Christmas’ reflection rather than your own. So we’re going to try and help you lighten the load with a festive edition of the MAN v FAT Swap Shop! Healthy […]