Christmas Treats To Avoid This Christmas

Christmas is known primarily for three things: family, gifts and overindulgence. Ok, four if you include arguments. Those things aside, what Christmas goodies should you be avoiding at Christmas if you want to hit your weight loss goals? Christmas foods, snacks and drinks can pile on the calories if you aren’t careful. With that in […]
Healthy Comfort Foods That Will Satisfy Your Cravings

When you’re craving comfort food, it can be hard to find something that’s both healthy and satisfying. But if you’re willing to be flexible with a few ingredients then there are options out there. Traditionally, we define comfort food as foods that are high in calories and fat. Usually these tend to be the sort […]
Five Alcoholic Pub Options Under 100 Calories

A trip to the pub is usually the ultimate test of a dieter’s convictions. Can their willpower hold firm when all the voices of those bottles and pumps are screaming “DRINK US!” so loudly? Fortunately, this isn’t an either/or situation, there’s plenty of low-calorie options when you hit the local boozer and many of them […]
12 Tips For Cheaper, Healthier Eating

It’s no secret that the cost of living crisis is no laughing matter. With the average food bill up by nearly £500 a year and energy prices skyrocketing by the minute, there can’t be many people out there who aren’t looking to save themselves a bit of cash at the till. Finding new ways to […]
How To Get Started With Foraging

As the cost of living crisis starts to bite it forces us to try and find good food at a reasonable price. But did you know that there’s fancy-pants organic food just growing, right there in our surroundings. That’s right – we’re on about foraging. Although please note that if you live in an urban […]
The benefits of berries

…and why they’re important for your diet. Berries are in season and whether you’re looking to big up your breakfast or power up your protein smoothie, we’re here to give you all the info you need on the colourful fruits. Berries tend to be low calorie, high volume foods with excellent nutritional profiles. They’re typically […]
Calories in Starbucks Christmas drinks 2021

Picture the scene: you’re out doing your Christmas shopping, it’s cold, your wallet is groaning and you’re bored of schlepping around yet another department store’s gift section. And then you see the welcoming arms of the Starbucks siren, beckoning you in for a warming coffee. Starbucks Christmas drinks are everyone’s festive favourites and they’re back […]
Calories in Costa Christmas drinks 2021

Ready for Christmas? No? Well, tough, nevermind that we’ve only just stumbled into November. It’s John Lewis advert, Christmas songs in shops and high street coffee shop Christmas drinks time whether you like it or not. They’re everyone’s festive favourites and they’re back for 2021, and if you’re looking for Costa Christmas drinks calories, we’ve […]
Calorie horrors: the foods that are surprisingly high in calories

It’s no wonder so many people are overweight and obese when there are so many mixed messages about what we eat. What’s actually healthy or lower in calories, and what are actually calorie horrors? (It’s almost Halloween, let us have that one!) You never want to think of yourself as someone who has fallen for […]
Pumpkin spice latte calories: Starbucks autumn drinks guide 2021

We love a PSL. But what about the calories in a pumpkin spice latte? Go in prepared with our guide to Starbucks’ autumn drinks.