Come to the UK Blog Awards 2015 With Us
So as you may remember (because we didn’t shut up about it for an entire month) we are shortlisted for the UK Blog Awards 2015 as the best Health Blog in the UK. We’re thrilled, frankly, to be shortlisted out of around 2,000 blogs and with over 45,000 votes it’s a bit jaw-dropping really. Anyway, […]
Wow! Thank you so much to everyone who voted for us in the UK Blog Awards 2015, I’m thrilled to say that out of 2,000 blogs and with 45,000 votes being cast we are in the final – posh awards dinner, the whole nine yards. THANK YOU!
One Good Reason You Should Vote For Us In The #UKBlogAwards
Let me start with an admission: I am just as skeptical of these “Please vote for us” awards as you are. More often than not they are a big ego play on behalf of the website owner, a traffic hunt from the award organiser and the only thing that they actually do is clog up Facebook and Twitter with […]