Out of the Shadows – Amazing Loser Neil Gambell

Here at Amazing Losers, we often try to answer the question of why that first step is the hardest to take. We’ve had a lot of different answers over the course of the series so far, but it really all boils down to the same thing: fear of failure. Whenever you set out to achieve […]
The Last (Belly) Laugh – Amazing Loser Josh Camson

Being the fat guy in your peer group often means you’re the entertainment, either because you’re the funny one, or because you’re the butt of the jokes – sometimes both. We’ve talked in the past about the negative effects some men feel when their weight loss disrupts the dynamic of the group. It can also […]
He Aint Heavy, Hes My Brother – Amazing Loser Jonathan Newell

Ketogenic diets can work really well for men looking to lose weight – after all, what man doesn’t love the idea of scarfing a shedful of meat and getting in better shape while he’s at it? The problem is it can quickly become expensive and when it comes to successful long-term weight loss, consistency is […]
Forget Cheat Day and Get Lucky – Conrad’s Amazing Loser Journey

Name: Conrad Tayeri (ask him anything on Talk) Height: 6’0″ (182cm) Job: Real Estate Agent/Financial Admin Age: 24 Location: Portland, Oregon, USA Highest weight: 380lbs (172kg) Lowest weight: 216lbs (97kg) We must thank Conrad for his patience, as MAN v FAT has been sitting on his story for so long now that some of the above information is almost certainly out […]