Fit Not Fat: Amazing Loser Colin
Although the idea seems to defy logic, it is possible to be fit but fat. Even when he was at his heaviest, Amazing Loser Colin took part in fitness events most of us could only dream of doing. He was in denial about his need to lose weight because of his fitness ability, and a stressful […]
A Piece of Cake: Amazing Loser Ben Seeley
As you might have heard, we’re celebrating this week as MAN v FAT Football has hit the massive milestone of helping players around the country lose a total of 30 tons. So who better for this week’s Amazing Loser than the man who holds the record for most weight lost in a single season? Ben […]
MAN v FAT Football: We’ve lost over 30 TONS!
Crack open the (low-cal) beer! Over at MAN v FAT Football, we’re celebrating our players losing a combined total of more than 34 TONS since the first league was launched just over a year ago. That’s 4 elephants, or 45 cows, or 200,000 hamsters. What do you mean you don’t measure your weight loss in […]
Big Daddy: Amazing Loser Dan Cooper
Having kids is usually a massive wake up call for overweight men. Aside from the responsibility and fun of changing nappies and making sure your child doesn’t stick its fingers in sockets, it’s a weird feeling to know that this wriggly little thing looks up to you and will depend on you for years and years to come. […]
How A Year of MAN v FAT Football Has Changed My Life
As the MAN v FAT Football leagues around the country start to shape up for January launches, it’s inevitable that new players will feel a bit nervous about what to expect. Fortunately, we’ve had some brilliant perspectives from the players and we’ve even seen the difference that it’s made to some of the coaches. Fox Hollies […]
My First MAN v FAT Football Season
With MAN v FAT Football leagues launching all over the country in September and more launching in January (have a look at the leagues here and register to play) we wanted to give you an insight into what that first league season is like. Who better to give their perspective than Pete West who has […]
What’s It Like To Be Part Of A MAN v FAT Football League?
It’s all well and good for us to tell you why you should join MAN v FAT Football and what it’s like, but what do the players themselves think of it? We asked Andy Gallon to provide a warts and all view of the experience. *********** As I stood in a sports hall, surrounded by some […]
MAN v FAT Football Launches in January – Join Us!
It’s a very familiar story. You used to play a lot of sports and your weight was under control. Then you hit that age where things start getting a bit busier, kids come along or you pick up an injury and suddenly you don’t make the weekly games. The weight creeps on and without any […]