Un-beet-able #MVFNewsround

Talking TALKS, avoiding beetroot, getting clued up about diabetes and scoffing low-cal desserts – that was the week that was with the MAN v FAT Newsround… FROM THE MAN v FAT FOOTBALL LEAGUES The first session of our new MAN v FAT TALKS series kicked off on Tuesday and it was a great success, with […]
Dealing with diabetes – your questions answered

If you’ve ever been overweight, chances are that you’ve at least thought about the dreaded D-word and wondered exactly what it’s like to be dealing with diabetes. There are an estimated 4.6 million people living with diabetes in the UK (including those who remain undiagnosed) according to Diabetes UK, and the number is rising – […]
What is being obese doing to my health?

It’s not nice to think about, but being obese can have damaging effects on our health. So often people lose weight for superficial reasons, like looking good naked or fitting into smaller clothes, with ‘improving my health’ an abstract footnote on our list of reasons. So what exactly is being obese doing to your health? […]
Celebrate International Diabetes Day With 120lb Amazing Loser Julian Porter

Name: Julian Porter (ask him anything on Talk) Height: 5’8″ (172 cm) Job: Photographer at www.julianporter.com Age: 53 Location: Southampton Highest weight: 260 lbs (118 kg) Lowest weight: 148 lbs (67 kg) So what did you know about diabetes before you got your diagnosis? I didn’t know a lot about it. I was the same as most people, I just […]
Can You Cure Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes is one of the shadows that lurks in the life of the fat man. It’s a disease we know plenty about, but tend to avoid out of fear of what we might find out. The inconvenient truth is that T2 Diabetes is closely linked to weight and that carrying extra weight massively […]
Stopping Alcohol Weight Loss Transformation – Julian Kirkman-Page #AmazingLoser

Name: Julian Kirkman-Page Job: Sales Director for City of London based IT company and author of ‘I Don’t Drink!’ Height: 6′ (182.9 cm) Age: 58 Location: Selsey, West Sussex Highest weight: 210 lbs (95.2 kg) Lowest weight: 177 lbs (80 kg) We’re thrilled to speak to Julian who we found through the excellent www.joinclubsoda.co.uk because he’s made the change […]
Amazing Loser – Dave Beevers

Age: 58 Lives: Bolton Job: Journalist runningwithdiane.blogspot.co.uk Height: 6ft 3in Highest weight: 153kg Lowest weight: 98kg Your weight loss journey started in tragic circumstances, what happened? My motivation for turning things around was the death of my wife Diane, who I lost to breast cancer in February 2013. I was consumed by grief and fear […]