How to cut out alcohol for a weight loss boost

Ever considered if you should cut out alcohol? We all love a pint every now and then, but drinking too much can have a devastating impact on your health, including your weight. Did you know that just one pint of cider has the same calories as a McDonald’s sugar ring doughnut? As it’s so easy […]

How to turn your January health kick into a long-lasting change

How is it STILL January?! We’ve been suffering from the January blues for 87 days and yet we’re still not at the end of it. Remember when you made your New Year’s resolutions? You were so optimistic! But hey, no judgement here if you haven’t quite made a start on your resolution, whether that was […]

Is stress the reason you can’t lose weight?

Could stress be the reason you’re not seeing results? Does your job, personal life or just minor things in general leave you feeling stressed out? If so, it’s time for you to chill. Because the thing that sucks most about stress is that, even if you exercise and eat well, high stress levels can prevent […]

The science of fighting fat

We’re big fans of the BBC’s science offerings – especially when it’s about weight loss. This month our pals at BBC Focus magazine, the BBC’s science and technology mag, have very kindly shared this fascinating article with us all about the science of losing weight… THE SCIENCE OF FIGHTING FAT Has Christmas taken its toll […]

7 fat fighting festive tips

It’s that time of year again; Christmas is upon us. It seems to come around quicker every year. The decorations are up, you’re ready to relax in front of the telly. It’s freezing cold outside but you’re nice and warm indoors. Bring on the sitcom Christmas specials, the chocolate, and the Baileys. But you’ve also […]

How to get rid of man boobs

Jack Nicholson’s had them for years. The Hoff has an enormous pair. Tom Cruise is just getting them. They’ve launched a thousand memes and even inspired a Seinfeld episode. Do we want them? No. No, we don’t, because we’re talking man boobs here. Moobs, mitties, whatever you call them – nobody wants them. But lots […]

How to keep off the winter weight

Summer is officially over and the cold nights are drawing in. Many of us forget about that summer body we worked so hard for now that we can pile on the layers of clothing, but it’s worth thinking about how you can keep off the winter weight. As tempting as it is to stay indoors […]

The MAN v FAT guide to wearable tech for fitness

win a man v fat football scarf

Ever seen someone wearing something that looks a bit like a watch but also…doesn’t? Chances are they’re wearing some form of wearable tech for tracking fitness goals – should you be doing the same? If you want to get more active, we say yes.  Stats about yourself are endlessly interesting even when they don’t really […]

The MAN v FAT Reading List: 5 of the best books about weight loss

It is of course entirely possible to lose a hell of a lot of weight without ever reading a book about the subject, but like those swots in school who actually read the books on the reading list, you’ll give yourself a huge helping hand if you do some reading so that you can start […]