Can Fat Men Do An Iron Man Pt 3 – Total Immersion Swimming

I have regained 60lbs (having lost 170lbs); I have arthritic knees; I fall off my bike more regularly than Evel Knievel (look him up, Millennials) and I cannot swim. So my decision to sign up for an Ironman event in 2018 may seem a little reckless and a tad foolish. And it probably is. Ok, […]
The FA Officially Endorses MAN v FAT Football

We thought you might like to hear it from us first – The FA (no, not the FAT you big lollywaggins) have officially endorsed MAN v FAT Football. As you might imagine this is BIG NEWS and follows a lot of investigation from The FA to make sure that what we’re up to is officially […]
Can Fat Men Do An Iron Man – Chapter Two

“Identify your dreams and work backwards, using milestones to track and celebrate your progress. Progress doesn’t have to be becoming the best, but simply by becoming better. Better today, than you were yesterday and better tomorrow, than you are today.” This is an excerpt from my Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine Lay View and it will […]
Can Fat Men Do…An Iron Man?

On Jan 9th 2011, I weighed myself and noted with horror the reading on the scale. 354lbs. On Jan 10th 2011, I told the world that I would run a marathon. Well, I told my office and a few people politely smiled and a few people laughed. How many times had I promised to myself […]
Is the Garmin Forerunner 735XT worth the money?
Product: Garmin Forerunner 735XT GPS Multisport Watch Best Price: £332.98 (yes you read that correctly) from handtec What Does the PR Say: Basically that all other GPS watches should kneel before their new God This watch: Tracks your performance over a multitude of sports using advanced dynamics Uses the Garmin Elevate Optical Heart Rate sensor […]
Can Fat Men Do Exerceo?

Exerceo is a new electric muscle stimulation training that is gaining favour among those in the know. We sent Martin Dixon along to test it out and give us the view on whether it’s suitable for bigger guys. *********** Without knowing anything about it, even the term “fat electrocution” filled me with equal parts dread […]
Does 10,000 Steps Work For Weight Loss?

Stand-up comedian and MAN v FAT member Freddy Quinne is currently challenging himself to a no-gym weight loss experiment. Rather than spending £30 per month on a gym, he’s spending the same budget on an alternative healthy device. This month he’s spent his cash on a pedometer. The Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism Lao […]
Can Fat Men Do CrossFit?
Over on Facebook we’ve always enjoyed giving a bit of grief to the very vocal CrossFit community, just because very occasionally they can sound the eensiest bit like a cult and because we’re jerks like that. One passionate CrossFitter and MAN v FAT member Mike Halewood got in touch to defend his hobby, so we took […]
#ProjectGarry The Results: Did A Bootcamp Make A Difference?

The question that MAN v FAT posed was Can a Boot Camp Solve Your Weight Problems? They asked me that question just six short weeks ago and after spending seven days at I can tell you that I have lost 16lb and 15 inches of total body measurements. For me it is a perfect boost for that initial […]
Fitness Is Coming: Game of Thrones Workout

As any mudblood* knows, Game of Thrones (or GoT, if you’re a real nerd) is returning to our screens on Monday (Sunday, if you’re a Yank). It’s fair to say that we’re more excited than Joffrey Lannister at a public execution. Now, regardless of whether you’re feeling more like Samwell Tarly than Jamie Lannester and regardless […]