The 10 best home workout videos

home workout videos

The gym is shut and to top it off, you’re only allowed out of the house once a day. But hey, before you start doing backflips (metaphorically, although real ones would be bloody impressive and a good way to work out if you’ve got the space), we’re here to help you with some of the […]

Staying Fit At Home: No gym? No problem!

Worried about staying fit at home? In need of some home-workout inspiration? We’ve got you! Missing out on a gym session may lower your self-esteem, but you can complete that all-important session from the comfort of your own home. And you don’t need expensive equipment or the latest gear to get your sweat on, we […]

Fitness covid-eos – #MVFNewsround 20/3/2020

Good lord, what a week… FROM THE MAN V FAT FOOTBALL LEAGUES We announced last week that MAN v FAT Football leagues have been put on hold due to the coronavirus situation. It’s not a great position to be in for any small business at the moment, but needs must. We’ve been immensely cheered by […]

5 things to do if you’re missing your MAN v FAT Football teammates

You train together, you play together, you lose together. You celebrate together, commiserate together and support each other. Before you know it, you’re the best of mates. What the bloody hell are you going to do without each other while your MAN v FAT Football session is cancelled, or if you need to self-isolate? Well, […]

MAN v FAT support during the COVID-19 shutdown

We completely understand that it’s difficult at the moment to know that your weekly MAN v FAT Football session isn’t going ahead when it’s such an important source of accountability and support. Along with many other businesses, we’re trying out best to offer more support online so that you can access resources to support you […]

Amazing Loser Deke Hardman

This week’s Amazing Loser Deke has a great approach to MAN v FAT Football that comes from using his addictive personality for good. He’s thrown himself into the concept and has worked tirelessly to improve his fitness and in turn, his game, and it’s had a fantastic effect on his weight… Name: Deke Hardman Age: 34 Location: Sherwood, […]

COVID-19 update

MAN v FAT Football statement on COVID-19 MAN v FAT can provide a further update with regards to the ongoing situation with COVID-19 and how it relates to MAN v FAT Football We can confirm that from Friday 13th March, all MAN v FAT leagues will be shut down for two weeks, with sessions currently […]

Wait, are we supposed to wash our hands? #MVFNewsround 13/3/2020

It’s slim pickings with this week’s Newsround as the coronavirus has well and truly taken over the media… FROM THE MAN V FAT FOOTBALL LEAGUES Coronavirus, eh? You’re probably sick of hearing about it, but even so you should clue yourself up on how it’ll affect your MAN v FAT Football league. This page was […]

Creature of Habit – #MVFNewsround 6/3/2020

Life, eh? I’ve been away from the Newsround for a while because of moving house and a bout of mumps (yes, you read that right), so without further ado here’s this week’s dose of news. FROM THE MAN V FAT FOOTBALL LEAGUES MAN v FAT Football player Jon Scott features in the brilliant Miriam Margolyes’ […]

10 years later – Amazing Loser Gary Williams

Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? How do you picture yourself looking, will you have maintained your weight loss or will you have gone back to your bad habits? People who have lost weight often say that the most difficult part is keeping the weight off. Suddenly, your focus switches and it’s […]