Chris Pratt weight loss: How did this A-list Amazing Loser lose weight?
Welcome to the first of our new A-list Amazing Losers! When a man in the public eye goes from being chubby to a bonafide heartthrob seemingly overnight, we want to know how they did it. Sure, they might have the kind of help we average Joes can only dream of, but there are still valuable […]
The MAN v FAT Newsround 4/5: Food waste, what a load of rubbish
In the same week that one Hollywood blockbuster mashup broke all box office records, we bring you another incredible mashup from the world of food. Also in this week’s news: the MAN v FAT legend relinquishing his post, and shocking stats about how much food waste we create every day. From the MAN v FAT […]
7 things we learned in April
Back in the day, when MAN v FAT was but a sapling and before we helped MAN v FAT Footballers lose 100,000lbs, we used to round up the months with some interesting tidbits that we learned. We get sent a lot of press releases and other random stuff that doesn’t have a home anywhere else […]