How to lose weight: Amazing Losers tell all

We love a good weight loss story here at MAN v FAT. When you’re wondering how to lose weight or if you’re struggling, it can be a much-needed boost to look at someone who has successfully lost weight as a reminder that yes, it can be done. And it definitely can – over the years […]
5 FREE Apps That Will Help You Lose Weight

Could your best piece of exercise equipment be the thing in your trouser pocket that you love to fiddle with all day? No, silly, we’re talking about your mobile phone not your testicles*! When Alexander Graham Bell unveiled the world’s first mobile phone, its dynamo power source kept men fit because it required the user […]
Get A Grip – Amazing Loser Roger Smith

Men who have struggled with obesity often share similar vices – a nice, frosty, calorie-laden beer being a common example – and this week’s Amazing Loser Roger Smith is no exception. Like his American Dad namesake, Roger’s other great vice besides booze was junk food, but unlike Stan’s alien pal, Our Roger didn’t so much defecate […]
He Aint Heavy, Hes My Brother – Amazing Loser Jonathan Newell

Ketogenic diets can work really well for men looking to lose weight – after all, what man doesn’t love the idea of scarfing a shedful of meat and getting in better shape while he’s at it? The problem is it can quickly become expensive and when it comes to successful long-term weight loss, consistency is […]
Ways You’re Doing MyFitnessPal Wrong
It’s one of, if not the, most popular tools for weight loss around, making calorie counting a breeze with its snazzy app and fancy barcode scanner. If you’re a MyFitnessPal devotee, make sure you don’t fall victim to these ways you’re doing MyFitnessPal wrong. MyFitnessPal, if you’re not familiar with it, allows you to log calorie […]
The Experiment Every My Fitness Pal User Needs To See

There was a discussion recently among MAN v FAT readers about how different apps and exercise monitors will attribute sometimes massively different calorie counts to the same exercise session. Clearly, if you’re following a calorie counting route to lose weight then this stuff can mean the difference between a loss and a gain – it is also one […]