Share Your Thoughts About and Help Us To Improve!

Like you we’re always looking to improve and sometimes that means stealing other people’s ideas getting feedback from readers. We’re starting to put some changes in place for and we want you to come along for the ride. Actually, we want you to help to drive. Our mission is to support as many men […]
MAN v FAT CHALLENGE off to a strong start

MAN v FAT CHALLENGE has got off to a flier in its first few weeks, as men across the country lose weight thanks to this innovative new programme. With MAN v FAT Football sidelined during the current coronavirus pandemic, CHALLENGE has been created to give men a continued focus to their weight loss. And the […]
How to win a MAN v FAT Football league

Here at MAN v FAT Football, we like to celebrate every little victory. Every pound lost, goal scored and belt notch tightened is a cause for celebration in the fight against fat and we’re all winners. But enough of that namby pamby – what you really want is to smash your opponents, do a victory […]
Take The 2016 Big Fat Survey And Win Big!

It’s that time of year when we look deep into your eyes and ask you to bare your soul to us. Well, we tried that one year but it took too long, so we’re going to stick with the tried and trusted formula of asking you to tick a few boxes, add your opinions and […]
Join Our Free 30 Day Weight Loss Experiment

I’d like to make you an offer you can’t refuse, I want you to join the MVFIA. Don’t worry, no one’s sleeping with no fishes – MVFIA simply stands for MAN VĀ FAT Intense Accountability. It’s a new, 30 day experiment that is designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Don’t worry, it doesn’t […]