MAN v FAT Confessions: Running Away With It

The theory is that confession is supposed to unburden the soul and leave the confessor feeling lighter. At MAN v FAT we’re all about feeling lighter and so we thought we’d offer our readers the chance to confess their weight-loss and fitness sins. You can add your own completely anonymous confession on the form over […]

How to start exercising

How to start exercising

If you’ve decided that you want to start improving your health, starting to exercise is a great step towards healthy living. But if so far the most exercise you’ve been doing is trips to and from the fridge, the world of exercise can be baffling. How do you start exercising? Where do you even begin? […]

How to start running

start running

Running is having a bit of a moment as people look for new ways of staying active during lockdown. With gyms closed, access to outdoor spaces limited and stress levels rising, it’s not hard to see why people are taking to pounding the pavements. If you’ve never done more than a begrudging jog for the […]