The ultimate MAN v FAT guide to Christmas 2018

Christmas can be a tricky bugger to navigate if you’re trying to lose weight. We’re not really talking about Christmas Day itself here, because surely if there’s one day you can sod the diet it’s Christmas Day (and Boxing Day, buried under Quality Street wrappers), but it’s everything else that can make this time of year […]
Nutritionists choose the best options from high street Christmas menus

Unless you’ve been living under a rock recently, you’ll have noticed that we’re quite excited about Christmas food here at MAN v FAT. Pigs in blankets, turkey, cranberry sauce – what’s not to love? We’re big fans of treating ourselves to a turkey sandwich with all the trimmings as we escape the slug of office […]
Healthy Food Porn: Christmas Eating

It’s the season of goodwill and usually that means that the belt is loosened off a notch or two and we all start to relax our dietary focus. Cheat days become cheat weeks and before long you’re huffing icing sugar and screaming at the kids as you mainline all that delicious fatty gravy. We’ve all […]