Amazing Loser Jay Nearly Halves His Body Weight To Beat Being Big

It was the word “big” that left an indelible mark on Jay when he met people he hadn’t seen for a while. Even though he’s 6’7″, he felt that he knew what they really meant. Read on and see how he turned his weight around and made a new life for himself at nearly half […]
Paleo To The Corps – Amazing Loser E.J. Hunyadi

Not all we men who struggle with our weight are raised with sloppy discipline or bad habits – in fact, it’s often the guys in peak condition, who train hard and eat, er, harder, for whom the sudden cessation of exercise can have a massive impact. We’re all used to hearing men (particularly in ’90s […]
To Be Comfortable In His Skin – Amazing Loser Zach Moore

Every weight loss journey begins with a first step and some will take you further, faster, than others. After a health scare, this week’s Amazing Loser Zach made the first brave step towards his weight loss goal by electing to have gastric bypass surgery. As many of us have either experienced or worried about, rapid weight […]
Get A Grip – Amazing Loser Roger Smith

Men who have struggled with obesity often share similar vices – a nice, frosty, calorie-laden beer being a common example – and this week’s Amazing Loser Roger Smith is no exception. Like his American Dad namesake, Roger’s other great vice besides booze was junk food, but unlike Stan’s alien pal, Our Roger didn’t so much defecate […]
From Passing Out Fat To Toned and Slim – Amazing Loser Mark Hannigan

Because overeating is so closely linked with one’s emotional state, it’s easy to see how seeking the approval of others can lead to poor eating choices. For this week’s Amazing Loser Mark, acknowledging the influence of friends and family on his eating habits not only helped him to recognise how he reached his highest weight, […]
He Aint Heavy, Hes My Brother – Amazing Loser Jonathan Newell

Ketogenic diets can work really well for men looking to lose weight – after all, what man doesn’t love the idea of scarfing a shedful of meat and getting in better shape while he’s at it? The problem is it can quickly become expensive and when it comes to successful long-term weight loss, consistency is […]
Stick At It – Amazing Loser Will Newell

It’s frighteningly easy to put weight on, but perhaps most frightening of all is how easily it can creep up on you. We’ve all been guilty of looking for the next guy who’s worse off than we are – congratulating ourselves that “at least I’m not that big”; baffled by how a man could let himself reach […]
Cigarettes & Alcohol – Amazing Loser Daniel Prodrick

Sometimes knocking the junk food on the head just isn’t enough – any successful long-term weight loss journey is founded on a total lifestyle change, and for a lot of men, that also means giving up two of your dad’s/Liam Gallagher’s favourite vices: cigarettes and alcohol. Aside from the more publicised negative (and fatal) health […]
Lift Or Die: Amazing Loser Jeffery Russell

In our quest to find the world’s most amazing weight loss achievements, we often look to other social channels that are as valid, if not as awesome as our own. It was on one such visit that we encountered a fellow with the handle LiftOrDie22 whose utter transformation stopped us in our tracks even before we saw […]
Have Your Cake IIFYM – Amazing Loser Bassam

Name: Bassam Bitar (ask him anything on Talk) Height: 5’11” (188cm) Job: Stock Trader Age: 26 Location: I grew up in Boston, but recently moved out to Southern NH Highest weight: 370lbs (168kg) Lowest weight: 199lbs (90kg) Plan: Calorie Counting/IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) When we started MAN v FAT, calorie counting struck us as the most reliable means […]