Easy ways to sit less and move more
When you’ve spent most of your adult life sedentary, the thought of suddenly having to start exercising is daunting to say the least. You’ll always have the option to take it easy at MAN v FAT Football sessions if you feel that you can’t manage a full game. We’ve all been there, and everyone will […]
A step in the right direction: The MAN v FAT Newsround 8/6
This week’s Newsround is sponsored by words that almost rhyme: Fish, crisps, wish, brisk… We’re looking at the latest healthy lifestyle trend, flavoursome crisps and the new Government guidelines on how much exercise you should be getting a day – which is a step in the right direction (you’ll see what we did there). A […]
The MAN v FAT guide to wearable tech for fitness
Ever seen someone wearing something that looks a bit like a watch but also…doesn’t? Chances are they’re wearing some form of wearable tech for tracking fitness goals – should you be doing the same? If you want to get more active, we say yes. Stats about yourself are endlessly interesting even when they don’t really […]