Recipe: Chocolate dipped Christmas fruit

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Fruit tastes great on its own but why not add some Christmas excitement by adding chocolate and nuts? After all, if there’s one time of year you should be able to liven up your fruit, it’s Christmas. Good quality dark chocolate is good for sensitive tummies and full of antioxidants, which are important for our health. Simply choose fruit that is gut-friendly such as pineapple, strawberries, satsumas, oranges, kiwis or star fruit. 

This is also a good way of easing back into healthier eating after Christmas indulgence, so if you need to take a dessert to any parties in that lull between Christmas and New Year, this is it. And you won’t suffer (many) withdrawal symptoms from slowly coming off the Celebrations.

Christmas fruitChocolate and nut dipped Christmas fruit

Serves 4 | Calories will depend on what you’re using


5-7 strawberries

10-15 mandarin slices (or use clementines or satsumas)

5-10 pineapple triangle pieces

100g good quality dark chocolate 

A small handful of pecan or macadamia nuts

2 tbsp desiccated coconut (optional)


1. Prepare the fruit by washing, peeling and cutting

2. Finely chop the nuts and place in a small bowl

3. Place the chocolate in a microwave-safe glass bowl and microwave for no more than 30 seconds initially. Stir and check the consistency. If it hasn’t melted enough, microwave for a few more seconds. It’s very easy to overcook chocolate so only microwave a few seconds at the time before checking the consistency

4. Dip and turn the fruit in the melted chocolate then drizzle over the chopped nuts or desiccated coconut

5. Let the chocolate cool in room temperature then eat and enjoy!

Thank you to Sara Chadwick for this recipe, taken from her book Tummy Revolution 21: The Art of Taming Your Tummy. To find out more visit


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