Ahh, we do love to hear of MAN v FAT Football players doing good and raising money for charity. It’s a regular occurrence and we’re so pleased to have such brilliant guys in the leagues. Also in this week’s news: new low-cal ice cream flavours and why getting online could be good for your weight loss.
From the MAN v FAT Football leagues
- The West Brom league played an 11-aside game to raise awareness of prostate cancer. They raised £291 for Prostate Cancer UK and even had a penalty shoot-out before the game. Well done lads!
- Let the countdown begin – there are just 8 days to go before the St George’s Park tournament! We’re really looking forward to celebrating your success and we’re also keen to see your footballing prowess. The lucky ones who were selected in the draw are in for a fantastic experience, as were those lucky enough to fight for their teams before you. Good luck and may the best team win!
If you or your teammates meet up and get active outside of regular game time, we wanna hear about it. Our focus is you guys and as such, we’d like to make these extra sessions even easier for you to arrange. We’re looking at how we can develop tools to help organisers run their sessions hitch-free and would love to hear what we can do to support you better.
If you do organise any extra sessions for your team, could you please fill out our survey here. Help us to help you!
In other news…
- Time to get online. New studies from the Journal of Internal Medicine have suggested that having an Internet-based health behaviour change support system (HBCSS for short, because that’s less of a mouthful) is a huge help to people trying to lose weight and reduce waist circumference. Regardless of any other type of support participants had, those who used HBCSS as a tool had significantly better results. Find out why at Men’s Health and if ya fancy it, join in the conversation on the MVF forum.
- FREE BEER! THIS IS NOT A DRILL. FREE BEER. Because it’s all about balance, right? To celebrate National Pub Fortnight (20th July to 5th August), more than 2,500 pubs across the UK are offering free pints of beer and cider next week. There are 50,000 drinks up for grabs but get your skates on, it’s subject to availability. Claim your free drink at www.freedrinkoffer.co.uk
What we’re talking about
- @steleonard1989 needs some motivation and help to get back on track after some setbacks, help to give him the boost he needs on the forum here.
- Feeling brave and strong enough to go to the gym is personally my biggest achievement so far in relation to weight loss, so I know where @TooBigDad is coming from when he says he feels ready to ramp up his activity levels. But how? Resident buff @maxnas has shown him the beginner’s weight training guide but it’d be interesting to see what you do at the gym/keep your activity levels high too.
- Are you ready to make Progress? Forget complicated food databases, working out points and feeling synful. Logging your food, drink and activity levels as well as keeping you nice and snuggly in the safety net that is the MVF community and your Progress team is going to be a gamechanger for men losing weight. MAN v FAT Progress is the tool for you – watch out for an email hitting your inbox with more details soon. And if you don’t get our emails, scroll down to the bottom of this page and enter your email address for all MVF goodness straight to your inbox.
What we’re reading
- If you need extra convincing on why you should be getting at least 5-a-day, Good Housekeeping gives us the lowdown on why visiting the greengrocer could put some zest back into your life. Summer superfoods also include jalapeno popcorn (ooh!), iced coffee (winning!) and er, sardines.
- Forgetful? So long as you’re not forgetting to work out, your exercise sessions could actually help your memory, particularly when it comes to motor learning. Studies suggest that exercise “seems to reduce the demands of the brain so memories can be consolidated more efficiency” due to “better connectivity of the different parts of the brain”. Find out more as well as the effect sleep has on the memory over at Psychology Today.
What we’re eating
Stop whatever you are doing and get to your nearest big Tesco. There are new Halo Top flavours! Birthday Cake (280 cals for the whole tub), Red Velvet (360 calories for the whole tub) and Oatmeal Cookie (280 calories – you guessed it, for the WHOLE TUB!) Also: who doesn’t love a trip to big Tesco?!
Quote of the week
Struggling to lose weight?
If weekdays look like this:
And weekends look like this:
Try to make weekends look more like weekdays.
— Dr. Spencer Nadolsky (@DrNadolsky) July 7, 2018
This week’s quote comes from the straight-talking “doctor who lifts”, Dr. Spencer Nadolsky, who’s sharing a tip for those who are struggling to lose weight. Quite apt, too, considering this week saw World Emoji Day. Yes, there is a ‘day’ for everything.