The MAN v FAT Newsround is back!

MAN v FAT newsround is back

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The MAN v FAT Newsround is back!

It’s been a long time since we did a news roundup, and we’ve missed it. Slobbering over new food releases, WTFing at weird press releases and of course, shouting from the rooftops about the amazing progress achieved by MAN v FAT Football players across the UK – we’re glad to be back.


We have a shiny new website! It has been a long time coming (who knew that sorting out over 700 articles would take so much time?!) but we can’t wait to get settled in and to resume bringing you the best weight loss news, articles, competitions and Amazing Losers. As the site is brand new, do forgive us for any teething problems – we’ll be sorting out the minor kinks ASAP.


  • We’re pleased as punch to have Morrison Construction on board as a sponsor for our Glasgow league. They’re Scotland’s leading contractor and we’re very much looking forward to expanding in Scotland with their backing. If you’re in Glasgow, you can sign up for the league here – and if you’re elsewhere in Scotland, keep your eyes peeled for news about more Scottish leagues coming soon.
  • We’ve got loads of exciting things planned for 2020 at MAN v FAT, and the first thing to announce is our brand new MAN v FAT Talks. Exclusively for MAN v FAT Football members, Talks will be a series of interactive sessions held in our new player-only Facebook group. We’ve got a great line-up confirmed to take us to Christmas, including sessions with a physio on how to avoid sports injuries, guided meditation to boost your wellbeing and the science of how a calorie deficit will promote weight loss. Can’t. Wait. Look out for more information on our Twitter and Facebook, and keep an eye on your inbox for an email detailing everything you need to know on Monday.
  • The MAN v FAT central team took a trip to Newport yesterday both for a team meeting and to spread the word of our upcoming Newport MAN v FAT Football league. It launches in January and will be our second Welsh league – bendigedig! (that’s Welsh for wonderful, duh)

man v fat newsround is back


Half of UK adults have no idea that your diet can affect your eyesight, according to a new poll. If your knowledge of the relationship between eye health and diet stops at carrots helping you to see in the dark (not strictly true, but Vitamin A, which can be found in carrots, does contribute to eye health), you should know that zinc, vitamin B2, DHA and magnesium are all important for keeping your peepers happy.

Amazingly, you can get all these in one handy supplement from the company behind the study (that’s Optrex and their ProVision supplement), but you can also find them in shellfish (zinc), eggs (vitamin B2), fatty fish like anchovies and mackerel (DHA) and spinach and kale (magnesium).

1 in 4 Brits “more scared of gyms than spiders”. PureGym has found that non-gym goers would rather have an injection or spend some quality time with an eight-legged friend than go to the gym. We’re afraid of people judging our body shape, looking stupid in front of other people, feeling self-conscious next to other gym-goers and not knowing how to set up machines/equipment.

I completely get this (although a quick jog on a treadmill is much preferable to hanging out with spiders), but everyone was a beginner once. And people are way too self-absorbed to notice your beer gut. Promise. You can find PureGym’s guidance for gym-fearers here.

man v fat newsround is back


Why do we sabotage ourselves so often? You know what I’m talking about – skipping the workout, or ordering a takeaway when you know you should make something at home. I often find myself thinking “huh, for someone who wants to lose weight, you’re sure acting like someone who wants to gain it” – and ordering that kebab anyway. So this makes for interesting reading – Why You’re Attached to Being an Inferior Version of Yourself.

This guy ate a Big Mac every day – and still lost weight. The TL;DR? He was still in a calorie deficit, even with the Big Mac. Because duh.

man v fat newsround is back


KitKat and Yorkie are the latest chocolate bars to jump on the protein bandwagon, with the launch of KitKat Chunky MORE and Yorkie MORE. Say it with me: MOREEEEE.

The KitKat is raspberry & hazelnut and the Yorkie is oats, apple and cinnamon and both are higher in protein and fibre than their usual versions. They’ve been described by Nestlé’ as being the ‘next generation of chocolate bar’ with 30% less sugar.


tim ferriss quote

This is an oldie, but a goodie. Could I eat better? Yes, undoubtedly. Am I still losing weight while enjoying the odd takeaway? Yes. Keep on doing what works for you.


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