You train together, you play together, you lose together. You celebrate together, commiserate together and support each other. Before you know it, you’re the best of mates. What the bloody hell are you going to do without each other while your MAN v FAT Football session is cancelled, or if you need to self-isolate? Well, fear not, I’ve a few ideas for you.
Stay active on social media
Social media was designed for being social. It seems as though somewhere along the line, we’ve forgotten this and as a society we’d rather share cat videos and type messages into the ether hoping that one day a celebrity picks up on it.
So why not use your social networks to socialise? Sharing funny videos and light-hearted memes is great but dropping someone a message to tell them that you’re thinking of them is even be better.
Take care however not to get too connected. Sometimes social media can be a hard place to be, especially when bad news and even worse, fake news is flying around.
Don’t be afraid to switch off if it gets a bit much, because you’ve got to look after your mental health during this whole coronavirus thing. You could even use your mobile phone for actual, old fashioned phone calls and text messages, reading a book or watching a film.
Watch a film or TV show together
…And you don’t even need to be in the same room! Holding a Watch Party might be a welcome distraction for a few of you.
There are several websites and browser extensions that allow you to log on and watch streaming services such as Netflix together, but they often sit in a bit of a grey area when it comes to legality. One that has been really popular recently is the Chrome extension Netflix Party.
But there are plenty of other legitimate ways you can watch something with the lads – Facebook now has a Watch Party feature, you could all load up the same video and sync up hitting play, or watch it independently and have something to discuss when it’s finished.
Catch up with a video call
If it’s the group environment that you’re missing, why not try and arrange a time for all the lads to be on a conference call?
There are several apps that allow group video calls now, and Facebook messenger even allows 50 people on a call at once. Calls up to six people will show video for all participants, but for over six, the screen will be focused on the main person talking at the time.
It’ll almost be like they’re in the room with you, just without the footie. Banter ahoy!

Call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while
In a similar vein, why not (video) call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while? We are so lucky that we have technology like the Internet and those shiny things that we keep in our pockets and that we can reach out to someone when we want to as easily as pushing a few buttons.
The news and the media are telling us to practice social distancing. Remember that you should still BE social, just from a distance.
Keep busy
It’s easy to want to pull the quilt over your head and snooze. You’ve just been given authorised hibernation time, right? Try and resist! Keeping busy will ultimately be better for your mental health.
Referring back to that wonderful thing most of us have regular access to, the Internet, there is an abundance of free materials and even courses to help you learn a new skill. Who knows, you might learn something that’ll help you out massively when you get back to work or some tekkers to show the lads when you finally reunite.
Exercising at home, should any symptoms allow, will also keep you busy and can help things get a bit easier when it’s time to transition back to your regular fitness routine. There are plenty of exercises you can do with a resistance band and a couple of tins of beans, and don’t forget about your MAN v FAT Football Take Home exercise booklet, which you should have received via email.
But this is an emergency like we’ve never experienced in our lifetimes, and it’s not every day you’re stuck indoors because of a global pandemic. So films and books might be your saviour, and can prove to be some welcome escapism should the news become a little overwhelming. Anything to stop you from going stir-crazy!
Loneliness is already a problem within our society, and it may get worse over the next few weeks, not to mention the boredom. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others, they may be feeling as though they are in the same position as you. Keep safe, continue to follow government guidelines and keep washing your hands. You’ve got this and don’t forget, we’re all in it together.