Stop The Press: We’ve Found A Good Non-Alcoholic Drink

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If you’re looking for a non-alcoholic cold drink then you’re typically left with three options:

  • No-alcohol beers
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Water and cordials

All of these have significant problems for guys who are looking to lose weight. No alcohol beers usually taste bloody awful. Fizzy drinks give you the option of mind-bending quantities of sugar, or the chemical lottery of artificial sweeteners. Plus, what are you 11? Water is obviously a good choice at any time, but it’s not unfair to say that it’s as dull as tap-water. What we want is a nice tasting, low calorie, no alcohol drink that doesn’t look like it’s for children. Is that too much to ask for?

Apparently not, as we have discovered Soft Brew. It’s a light, tasty beer look-a-like with a range of flavours (lemon, apple and lime & elderflower) that laudably manage to walk the tightrope of being subtle without ever getting too wafty or light. The big difference is that this is a soft drink that was “born in a brewery” so it starts with a nice balance of hops and malt that gives it a familiar and pleasant beer aroma and taste and the fruit flavours really just provide a subtle finish.


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With 36 cals per bottle and 0% alcohol – Soft Brew are available in Sainsburys and selected off licences. If you’re not after a hangover or a beer belly, give them a go.

Have you found any food or drinks that we should be telling the MAN v FAT world about? Let us know in the comments…


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