Fitness covid-eos – #MVFNewsround 20/3/2020

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Good lord, what a week…


We announced last week that MAN v FAT Football leagues have been put on hold due to the coronavirus situation. It’s not a great position to be in for any small business at the moment, but needs must. We’ve been immensely cheered by the support we’ve received from players in the past few days, and though it may seem twee coming from a company – thank you for understanding and sticking by us.

If you’re a MAN v FAT Football player, you should be receiving regular email content with exclusive recipes and at-home exercises as well as more info about your MAN v FAT Football membership. We’re also setting up challenges to keep you on the straight and narrow with prizes on offer for the best entries, so keep an eye on your WhatsApp groups for more details of these.


We’re all anxious at the moment, and watching the news isn’t helping. If you’re finding yourself spiraling, take a step back and look after your mental health.

If you’re worried about how to keep your activity levels up when the gym is closed, you’re forced to work from home or you have to self-isolate, why not work out at home? As well as there being thousands of workout videos available online, a lot of fitness brands and personal trainers have moved their classes online for now.

Some of these are American chains, so it may be difficult to join in with live streams because of time differences, but if they’re uploaded afterwards it’s worth a look – not bad for free.

  • Barry’s UK is offering fitness classes via Instagram Live. Find their post about this here.
  • Joe Wicks is offering a 9am daily PE lesson for kids, perfect for joining in with if you’ve got kids who are off school. Find them on his YouTube channel here, along with loads of other exercises you can do from home.
  • CorePower Yoga are livestreaming their yoga classes on their YouTube channel, including Body Weight Sculpt and meditation. Join in and catch up on previous ones here.
  • BlinkFitness, an American chain, is doing live Facebook workouts. Get more details here.
  • Peloton is offering their app for free for 90 days for new users. Even if you don’t have one of their ridiculously expensive bikes, the app is still useable and reviews are good. Get more info here.
  • Les Mills has over a hundred at-home workouts available for free on their website here, including the ever-popular Body Pump, GRIT and a few short HIIT workouts.



What are we eating this week? Whatever’s left in the supermarket tbh. It’s been a good week for those random tins of chickpeas that have been in the back of the cupboard for years, though.


Keep on keepin’ on, all.


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