Haven’t registered your interest for MAN v FAT Football XI’s yet? It couldn’t be simpler! In the list below you will find the registration link for your club. Click the link and complete the short registration form using the email address that you used when registering for MAN v FAT Football. Please note, you must select the MAN v FAT Football Club that you are registered at and regularly attend. If you are registered for, and regularly play at more than one MAN v FAT Football Club you may select from these the XI’s Team that you wish to play for. Remember, you can only register for one MAN v FAT Football XI’s Team. It is important that you check you are registering for the correct club before completing the registration. Players who register for the wrong club may not be able to re-register for the correct club before the deadline and risk missing out on the season.
For more information on rules and eligibility please go to the following link https://manvfat.com/elevens/
You are only allowed to register for a team that represents a club where you are a registered and active MAN v FAT member, all entries will be checked and verified.
About us
MAN v FAT is for men who want to lose weight. We run the award-winning weight loss programme MAN v FAT Football, providing guidance, resources and community support to thousands of men every year.
MAN v FAT Player Support