MAN v FAT Football XI’s
Dear MAN v FAT XI’s Community,
After three seasons, thousands of minutes of football and hundreds of goals, the official MAN v FAT XI’s will be coming to a close. It will also coincide with Paul Baker, our Events & Community Co-ordinator leaving the team after three and a half years with MAN v FAT HQ.
With team numbers marginally down year on year, continued logistical and travel challenges in a national format, and only around a quarter of our clubs choosing to enter the official MAN v FAT XI’s, it doesn’t make sense to spread our thin staffing resource over just those clubs. There is no doubt that our own competition has acted as a catalyst for pro-active members of our community to create their own local or alternative formats – this isn’t something we rue, in fact it’s something that we celebrate and hope to champion more once the concluding MAN v FAT XI’s Final this year is completed.
How exactly we continue to support our members to play 11-a-side football in the future that will come down to available resource, support from our partners at The FA and FAW, and most importantly by listening to existing 11-a-side Managers and our members. Whilst we will not have a lot of resource to do this work, we certainly want to champion it where possible.
For now, we would like to thank the MAN v FAT XI’s Community for your commitment and support over the past three years. We wish you all the best in your continued participation in football with other MAN v FAT Footballers in whichever capacity you choose.