Online Communication Terms

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You must read and understand the following important rules before using MAN v FAT Football online communications and or social media (the Communications). If you are uncertain as to your rights under these rules or you want any explanation about them please e-mail, or call 0345 163 0042.

1. These terms
1.1 These terms and conditions of use (the Rules) explain how you may use the Communications.
1.2 References in these Rules to the Communications include , but not are not limited to, the following mobile or computer applications and websites:,,, and all other social media accounts and MAN v FAT Ltd websites in each case as applicable.
1.3 You should read these Rules carefully before using the Communications. By accessing, using or submitting any material to the Communications (or otherwise indicating your consent), you agree to be bound by these Rules and the documents referred to in them. If you do not agree with or accept any of these Rules, you should cease using the Communications immediately. If you have any questions about the Communications, please contact
1.4 The Rules are in addition to our:
1.1.1 Website Terms and Conditions
1.1.2 our Privacy Statement and
1.5 our Cookies Policy 
1.6 We may add to or replace these Rules with additional terms and conditions (‘Additional Terms’) which relate to specific Content or the Communications. Additional Terms will be made available on relevant pages of the Communications. You should therefore check the Communications from time to time to check to see whether any Additional Terms apply to you. Additional Terms shall prevail to the extent there is any conflict or inconsistency with any other of these Rules.

2. Definitions
2.1 The following words have the following meanings:
Content means any text, images, video, audio or other multimedia content, software or other information or material submitted to, or accessible from, the Communications including, but not limited to, any Contributions made by other users of the Communications;
Contribution means any contribution made to the Communications;
Malware means any malware (including, but not limited to, any viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, adware, time bombs, logic bombs or keystroke logging software) or other similar harmful or malicious software code;
we, us or our means MAN v FAT Ltd a company incorporated in England and Wales under company number 08953172, and whose registered office is at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Plexal, Here East, London E20 3BS (MAN v FAT Football), our VAT registration number is 189382065.
You or your means the person accessing or using the Communications or its Content.

3. Acceptable use
3.1 The Communications are intended for members and players registered with MAN v FAT Football who are residents of the United Kingdom over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 you may not use the Communications.
3.2 We permit you to use the Communications for personal, non-commercial use only and primarily for information about us and our weight-loss services and programmes. Use of the Communications in any other any, including in contradiction of these Rules is not permitted.
3.3 You must not use the Communications in any manner that disrupts the operation of our services and programmes or our business.

4. Accessibility
Our goal is to make the Communications as accessible as possible. If you have any problems accessing the Communications or the content contained on it, please contact us at

5. Submissions and standards
5.1 If you wish to post a Contribution to the Communications you need to register by completing the registration form at If we accept your registration, you may post a Contribution via the Communications.

5.2 You agree that:
5.2.1 any Content you supply to us:
(a) is your own original work
(b) has been lawfully provided to us (in particular, it is not in breach of any intellectual property rights or other rights of any third parties) and that you have all necessary consents to provide this to us; and
5.2.2 we shall be entitled to disclose your name with any such Content that we may choose to publish; and
5.2.3 by providing us with any Content and/or posting a Contribution, you grant to us a royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable licence to use, reproduce, modify, publish, edit, translate, distribute, perform and display such Content and/or Contribution (in each case, in whole or in part) on the Communications and on any other websites or platforms operated by us;

5.3 You agree, when using the Communications:
5.3.1 to be respectful to other users when making a Contribution; in particular, you agree
(a) will be relevant
(b) not to deliberately post hostile messages (also known as ‘flaming’ or ‘bashing’)
(c) not to befriend any another users in an abusive or exploitative manner (also known as ‘grooming’)
(d) your Contributions must not contain any material which might bring us or the Communications into disrepute
(e) not to promote violence, any pornographic material or any activity that is illegal
5.3.2 that any Contribution:
(a) when it includes any opinion, is a genuinely held opinion
(b) when it includes any facts, is true and accurate
(c) does not contain any:
(i) violent material, pornographic material or activity that is illegal
(ii) material which is invasive of a third party’s privacy
(iii) advertising or marketing material (whether for commercial or non-commercial gain) including, but not limited to, material derived from deceptive techniques such as ‘astroturfing’, ‘flogging’ or ‘sock puppetry’
(iv) spam, junk mail, chain letters, material regarding any pyramid promotional schemes, or any similar material
(v) patentable ideas or patent applications
(vi) material which you regard as confidential, commercially sensitive or valuable
(vii) communications and contact details of other members of the schemes are considered confidential material – you agree not to use the contact details of other members of the schemes made available by us to you for any purpose or contact other members of the scheme outside of the scheme that MAN v FAT Ltd is providing to you
(viii) material which means that are liable to any third party
(ix) material which infringes the rights of any third party
(x) material which means that you are in breach of any duty that you have towards a third party or generally (this might include, but is not limited to, material that you are not allowed to make available such as under any contract of employment or confidentiality agreement)
(xi) Malware
(xii) statements or suggestions that we endorse any other business, product or service unless we have separately agreed to do so in writing
5.3.3 that any Contribution to the Communications will be lawfully made. In particular, you agree that any Contribution will:
(a) not be in contempt of court
(b) not be harmful, threatening, harassing or offensive
(c) not be discriminatory
(d) not have any fraudulent purpose (including, but not limited to, impersonating any other person or not being entirely truthful to us when you register as a user of the Communications)
(e) not be defamatory, derogatory or offensive
5.3.4 unless expressly permitted in law, not to reverse engineer, decompile, copy, modify, distribute, transmit, license, sublicense, display, revise, perform, transfer, sell or otherwise make available to any third party or otherwise publish, deep-link, create derivative works from or exploit in any way the Communications or its Content
5.3.5 that you are solely responsible:
(a) for all costs and expenses you incur when using the Communications
(b) for keeping your password and other account details confidential

5.4 We may stop or suspend your access to the Communications if you do not comply with any part of these Rules or any applicable law.

5.5 We will decide, acting reasonably, whether any Contribution breaches any of these Rules.

5.6 The Communications are not a secure means of communication and any information that you supply to us will not be kept confidential. Therefore:
5.6.1 you should not make any Contribution which you regard as being confidential, commercially sensitive or valuable (Unwanted Contributions)
5.6.2 any Contributions, including any Unwanted Contributions, made to us are deemed to be our property
5.6.3 by making a Contribution, you agree that, subject to our Privacy Statement, we may use any such information in any manner we see fit (including reproduction, transmission, publication, broadcast, and posting on any media and anywhere in the world) on a free of charge basis. We will not be subject to any obligation of confidentiality nor be liable for any use and/or disclosure of such Contributions

6. Moderation of the Communications
The Communications and Contributions are not moderated by us and we have no liability or responsibility for these.

7. Ownership, use and intellectual property rights
7.1 The Communications and all intellectual property rights in the Communications (in each case, to the extent applicable) including, but not limited, to any Content are owned by us and/or our licensors.

7.2 We and our licensors reserve all our intellectual property rights (including, but not limited to, all copyright, trademarks, domain names, design rights, database rights, patents and all other intellectual property rights of any kind) whether registered or unregistered anywhere in the world.

7.3 Nothing in these Rules grants you any rights in the Communications other than as is necessary to enable you to access the Communications. You agree not to adjust, try to circumvent or delete any intellectual property notices contained on the Communications and, in particular, in any digital rights or other security technology embedded or contained within any Content.

8. Accuracy of information and availability of the Communications
8.1 We do not guarantee, whether expressly or by implication (except as otherwise expressly required by applicable law) that any Content is or remains:
8.1.1 available
8.1.2 accurate
8.1.3 complete
8.1.4 up to date
8.1.5 free from any Malware
8.1.6 free from any bugs, errors or omissions
8.1.7 of satisfactory quality
8.1.8 fit or suitable for any purpose

8.2 Any reliance you may place on the information on the Communications are at your own risk. You should make all such reasonable enquiries as are necessary (including with any qualified third parties) and take all such reasonable steps to protect yourself if you wish to rely on any information in any Contribution. The Content is provided for your general information purposes only. It does not constitute technical, financial or legal advice or any other type of advice and should not be relied on for any purposes.

8.3 We do not guarantee in any way the Communications continued availability at all times or uninterrupted use by you of the Communications. We may suspend or terminate the operation of the Communications at any time at our sole discretion although we will make reasonable efforts to let you know if we are going to suspend or terminate the operation of the Communications.

9. Hyperlinks and third party sites
9.1 The Communications may contain hyperlinks or references to third party websites. Any such hyperlinks or references are provided for your convenience only. We have no control over third party websites and accept no responsibility for any content, material or information contained in them. The display of any hyperlink and reference to any third party website does not constitute an endorsement of such third party’s website, products or services. Your use of a third party site may be governed by the terms and conditions of that third party site.

9.2 You may not display any hyperlink to any third party website when you make a Contribution unless you have our permission to do so.


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