MAN v FAT CHALLENGE off to a strong start

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MAN v FAT CHALLENGE has got off to a flier in its first few weeks, as men across the country lose weight thanks to this innovative new programme.

With MAN v FAT Football sidelined during the current coronavirus pandemic, CHALLENGE has been created to give men a continued focus to their weight loss.

And the first two weeks saw men participating in CHALLENGE lose a fantastic 303kg between them as innovative challenges tested both their culinary and physical skills.

Whether it’s making the best dish you can using eggs (the winner is pictured above, so you can see it wasn’t Easter eggs we were working with!) or walking the equivalent of 500 miles like The Proclaimers between a team, the MAN v FAT CHALLENGE teams have been kept busy so far.

“We have been delighted with how MAN v FAT CHALLENGE has started and we’re really pleased to see the early weight loss results from the men who are participating,” Stuart Normansell from MAN v FAT HQ said.

“Whilst we’re not able to deliver the football that so many of the guys crave, CHALLENGE has given the men participating the same MAN v FAT experience and we’re really looking forward to it becoming even more popular as we go along.”

Like MAN v FAT Football, there’s all to play for every week, with players put into teams to compete against other sides around the country in the quest for the MAN v FAT CHALLENGE crown.

It has been a great way to keep men on track with their efforts to get in shape, and the early feedback has been very positive.

“The challenges keep you focused and it’s nice to have different targets each week. It pulls the whole team together, which gives you so much motivation and it’s nice to have food challenges as it makes you try new food and gets you creating in the kitchen,” one player told us.

Another added: “Without it I truly believe I would be sitting at my desk all day with no drive to do something else. It sums up the whole ethos of MAN v FAT in that we have each other’s backs and a sense of being in it together. The challenges keep the mind as well as the body active and in better shape.”

The numbers participating in MAN v FAT CHALLENGE are growing every week and it’s not too late to get involved.

Should you wish to join the players currently involved, then drop us a line at and we’ll give you the details you need to sign-up!


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