How many calories in Caffe Nero and Pret Christmas food?

There’s no getting away from it now: Christmas food is in full swing and it’s time to get merry with the many different versions of turkey sandwiches currently on the high street. If you’re planning on a trip to Caffe Nero, Pret or Greggs but still want to keep an eye on your calorie intake […]
The ultimate MAN v FAT guide to Christmas 2018

Christmas can be a tricky bugger to navigate if you’re trying to lose weight. We’re not really talking about Christmas Day itself here, because surely if there’s one day you can sod the diet it’s Christmas Day (and Boxing Day, buried under Quality Street wrappers), but it’s everything else that can make this time of year […]
How many calories in Starbucks and Costa Christmas food?
Picture the scene: you’re in your nearest town doing your Christmas shopping. You’re laden down with bags, sick of hearing All I Want For Christmas Is You and your feet hurt. Time for a pit stop at one of the high street’s chain coffee shops, and you want a festive lunch, because who are you to […]
The best non-chocolate advent calendars 2018
Aw yes people, it’s that time of year again – time to choose your advent calendar. And if you thought advent calendars were purely for kids, what could be better than getting a tiny little present from yourself every day for almost an entire month?! December is officially the time to cheer yourself with frivolous […]
How many calories in Christmas coffees from Caffe Nero and Pret?

We’re getting well into the swing of Christmas food and drink now as the major coffee chains continue to launch their festive menus. Glossing over the fact that it’s only the first week of November, we’re in for a treat this year with newbies including creme brûlée lattes, a millionaire’s latte plus more gingerbread-flavoured drinks […]
How many calories in Costa and Starbucks Christmas coffees?

Halloween is over and like clockwork, the festive drinks are here. Last week saw Christmas offerings launching in Starbucks and Costa so it’s official: the countdown to Christmas is on. Yes, they’re sickly sweet and full of sugar. Yes, they can be high in calories. But I’ll be damned if I’m not enticed by a […]
Surprising foods that are making you bloated
Bloating is often an indicator that your gut is unhappy and there are several reasons as to why this could be happening. It is widely thought that certain foods can make you feel bloated, with common culprits being wheat and dairy. However, there are some surprising foods that are making you bloated that you might […]
Low-calorie curries: 7 amazing ones to make this week

Everyone loves a curry – a trip to a curry house where you try new and exotic takes on old favourites, a takeaway from your local where your eyes are definitely bigger than your belly, or hell, even a jar of Patak’s chicken korma with shop-bought naans at home is a meal to be celebrated. […]
How many calories in a Pumpkin Spice Latte?
The kids are back in school, the leaves are turning brown, there’s a definite nip in the air and yes, the rain has returned: autumn is here, and with it comes the pumpkin spice latte season. If you’ve never had a PSL, it’s a warming, slightly spiced coffee that has made its way to our […]
Low calorie satisfying breakfasts: 7 of the best

Ah, breakfast – never has a meal divided the weight loss community more. Is it really the most important meal of the day? Some people swear by their morning bowl of porridge and the act of breaking your night-long fast, whereas some people think it’s unnecessary and will gladly skip it. True, it doesn’t kickstart the […]