10 things you didn’t know about yoga

Yoga is a multilayered ancient practice that is about so much more than being able to touch yours toes or do the splits. You don’t need to look a certain way or be a certain person – yoga is for EVERY body and accessible to all. Yes, even men. Yes, even overweight men. You can […]
A new dad’s guide to fitness
There are many stages of life when weight loss becomes difficult. One of those is definitely fatherhood, what with the stress of keeping a small human alive and a child’s total lack of respect for sleep. If you’re a new dad, honestly I don’t blame you for diving head first into the biscuit tin (in […]
How to get over your fear of the gym

Self-conscious at the gym? That’s only natural, but believe me, you don’t need to be. With a little bit of planning and faking it ’til you make it, you can raise your self-esteem and become a gym bunny in no time. Remember these tips and you’ll be reaching your gym goals before you can say […]
Frugally fit: how to get fit on a budget
It’s the summer holidays, and we get it, you’ve probably already run out of money. The kids want to do this and that and this again and you’re skint. Maybe you’ve thought about freezing your gym membership for a little while to claw back some spending money but you’re hesitant because you don’t want to […]
How to sleep after exercise to aid muscle recovery

Ever struggled to drift off after a late-night exercise session? It’s tempting as it is to stay up late, egged on by that post-workout high but did you know that sleep after exercise is crucially important in order to aid muscle recovery? Bed retailer Dreams know a thing or two about sleep and they’ve set […]
What you should eat post-workout

Do you give much thought to what you should eat post-workout? You’re probably putting a lot of effort into your workouts and it’s likely that you’re thinking carefully about what you should be eating pre-workout but did you know that consuming the right nutrients after a workout is just as important as what you’re eating […]
How to become a better runner

It‘s easy to fall into a routine with your running and not really think about changing things up, but this could mean you’re missing out on valuable opportunities to improve. While there‘s plenty you can do mid-run, did you know that you can also boost your technique off the track? We spoke to top training […]
Top fitness trends for 2018: our predictions

Not a year goes by when gyms don’t see a spike in memberships in January as people seek to work off the festive flab, and although hardened gym-goers groan at the sight of clueless wannabes walking around the gym in their brand-new lycra, we really love the spark of motivation a new year brings – […]
Top fitness tips for the winter

The rain is hammering down, there’s a definite chill in the air and it’s dark by the time you get home from work – we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, in the winter we’re much more likely to be found at home in the warmth rather than out pounding the streets. But […]
5 signs your fitness is improving

Now that we’ve lost over up 200,000lbs through MAN v FAT Football, we’re pretty proud that we’ve helped so many men lose weight and get fitter. Every day we hear of players who have done stuff they would never have thought possible before joining and losing weight – they run marathons, play 24-hour charity football […]