Amazing Loser Daniel Pearce

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Being diagnosed with an illness directly related to your weight is a scary prospect, and it’s one that was all too real for Amazing Loser Daniel. Read on to find out how he used it to spur him on to lose weight, with a little help from his MAN v FAT Football teammates…

Name: Daniel Pearce

Age: 37

Location: Sawtry

Weight lost: 13.4kg (2st 1.5lbs, 29.5lbs)

What was your life like before you joined MAN v FAT Football?

Finding comfort with food was my main problem. What started as a craving was turning into a problem.

I enjoyed my takeaway foods, and I hated seeing food go to waste, so I would eat extra just to ensure we didn’t waste food.

I would easily enjoy a bottle of wine to myself and would enjoy a beer in the evenings after work. I was diagnosed with a fatty liver as a result of my weight gain.

What made you decide to change?

Being diagnosed with a fatty liver scared me. I was out of breath going up the stairs or doing the most basic things.

Having worn 34-inch waist trousers for most of my life, the moment I couldn’t fit into my 38-inch work trousers and shopping for XXXL clothing really hit home.

What has it been like being a part of your MAN v FAT Football club?

Before I joined, I’d seen a few social media posts from another member, and I was intrigued as I could never imagine feeling comfortable or being able to play football again. I dived in and I’m glad I did.

I play for Inter-mi food in the Peterborough club and occasionally take part in the 11 v 11 friendlies that the group organizes.

It’s been an eye-opener for how unfit I was. It gave me the motivation to work on my fitness during the week by going for walks, and I started watching what I eat.

I strive to ensure I’m scoring weight loss goals every week to assist my team, but mainly to get that one step closer to being healthy again.

The team are a great bunch of lads, with good banter and a one for all, and all for one approach. It has helped me stay on track and I look forward to my weekly weigh-in and the fixtures.

How has life changed now you’ve lost weight?

It’s been amazing, my teenage son hadn’t seen me for a while due to holidays and college and I felt emotional when he told me I looked healthier and thinner.

I’d had a bad week and was considering giving up, but the whole family told me to continue and that they are proud of me for doing it.

Now I can walk 5km without feeling tired and I can last a whole footie game without needing to stop. From struggling with the stairs to thinking about running 5km soon, that’s a huge change and a huge plus. I’m already struggling to keep my 36″ trousers on with a belt and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I’m really enjoying the reaction I’m getting from family and friends who have noticed the efforts I’ve put in and the changes that can be seen.

I have a lot of work ahead of me but this program has motivated me to get it done.

What would you say to other men thinking about joining MAN v FAT Football?

It’s a great way to get into an active lifestyle again. Making new friends and all being there for the same reasons makes it more comfortable than weighing in and being locked into a strict regime.

This helps you gain confidence in yourself on your own time without judgement. Playing football again is great, but keep the weight loss on your mind to assist your team in the fixtures ahead.

Many thanks to Daniel for sharing his story! If you want to be featured as an Amazing Loser, send us an email – 


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