Fantastic Fat Sex: How To Love Sex When You’re Not Happy With Your Body
Full disclosure: here at MAN v FAT we’re partial to a bit of sex. We’re also keen on you having sex, and not just ordinary sex either, we want you to have great sex, mind-blowing sex, sexy sex. However, feedback from readers has often pointed out that there is a disconnect when it comes to […]
Swansea lift Finals Day trophy!
104 MAN v FAT teams were whittled down to one winner on Saturday, as clubs from across the MAN v FAT programme came together to compete in the Finals Day at Manchester City’s prestigious Etihad Campus. And, for the second year running, the title is to stay in Wales as Swansea Oranges claimed the crown […]
Amazing Loser Jay Nearly Halves His Body Weight To Beat Being Big
It was the word “big” that left an indelible mark on Jay when he met people he hadn’t seen for a while. Even though he’s 6’7″, he felt that he knew what they really meant. Read on and see how he turned his weight around and made a new life for himself at nearly half […]
Healthy Comfort Foods That Will Satisfy Your Cravings
When you’re craving comfort food, it can be hard to find something that’s both healthy and satisfying. But if you’re willing to be flexible with a few ingredients then there are options out there. Traditionally, we define comfort food as foods that are high in calories and fat. Usually these tend to be the sort […]
How Amazing Loser Blake Beat His Emotional Eating
You might think that being bullied for your weight is the sort of thing that could destroy a person’s self-confidence forever. But this week’s Amazing Loser is evidence that even when someone has been kicked when they’re down, it doesn’t mean they have to stay down. Read Blake’s before and after weight loss story and […]
How to Get Motivated to Lose Weight If You’re Depressed
Ask anyone who has suffered from depression and they will tell you that it can lead to a loss of motivation which in turn leads to a decrease in physical activity. This, of course, creates a vicious circle as the feeling of being overweight and unfit compounds the depression and makes you feel worse. Right […]
Win a Premium Bio-Synergy DNA Test And A £50 Voucher
When you’re losing weight there is nothing more useful than data. It’s the data that gives you insights into what is happening inside your body and allows you to make informed choices and all but guarantees success on the scales. That’s why we’re so pleased to offer you this competition in conjunction with leading British […]
MAN v FAT Does Movember
Movember is the month where moustaches do battle with prostate and testicular cancer and suicide. As one of the biggest men’s health movements in the UK, we’ve got a network of guys who are all part of Movember and who are doing their bit by growing their ‘tache. Colin Rosam I have always been active […]
MAN v FAT Confessions: The Oil Slick
We love to hear your weight-related confessions (share yours here) mostly because it makes us feel that all those times when we threw biscuits away in a burst of willpower and then later rooted in the bin and picked old bits of cabbage off them means we’re not so weird after all. This confession carries […]
How Losing Weight Affects Your Poo
Here at MAN v FAT, the number 2 most recently asked question we get about weight loss is how it affects your poo. If you’ve already been losing weight, you may have noticed changes in your bowel movements and had some questions or concerns that you’ve been afraid to talk about, or perhaps you’re about […]