MAN v FAT Newsround 23/3/2018: Giving fizz a good name

Forget the decorating, don’t worry about the gardening and shut out any other duties you have in mind for this bank holiday weekend, just sit back because this week’s newsround is a cracker. We’ll be telling you which drinks company is restoring the good name of fizzy drinks, how to keep losing the pounds as […]

RECIPE: Low calorie hot cross bun doughnuts

Looking for a low calorie hot cross bun? Let’s raise the stakes a little: how about a low calorie hot cross bun doughnut? A 100 calorie hot cross bun doughnut? Oh yes. With Easter just around the corner and sweet treats just about everywhere you look, there’s no need to feel like you are missing […]

How to have a healthy Easter

How to have a healthy Easter

Easter is just around the corner and even if you’re not celebrating Jesus’ life, it’s difficult to avoid what seems like a neverending parade of Easter eggs, hot cross buns and Mini Eggs on supermarket shelves. So how can you have a healthy Easter when it seems temptation waits around every corner? If you want […]

MAN v FAT Newsround 23/3/2018: We’re all screaming for ice cream

Just like the snow which returned this week, we are back again to give you your weekly dose of all things you need to know (with a touch of things you probably don’t). We’ll be telling you how you can enjoy the delights of ice cream without feeling guilty after every spoonful, how to recover […]

6 myths about nutrition busted

There are so many myths about nutrition that it can be hard to know where you stand. Do you need to be eating expensive miracle berries? Should your diet be low in fat? We asked nutritionist Cassandra Barns to tell us what myths she hears most often – and what the truth behind them actually […]

The power of saying no: Amazing Loser Josh Deegan

One thing we love from running our MAN v FAT Football leagues is seeing the inspiring progress made by players – even if you have absolutely no intention of ever setting foot on a football pitch, you could learn a thing or two from these guys. This week’s Amazing Loser has lost over 8 stone […]

Recipe: Guinness beef ribs with colcannon mash

Happy St.Patrick’s Day! Have you ever cooked with Guinness? It lends itself extremely well to cooking, especially when paired with beef, giving it a great depth of flavour. Guinness is also surprisingly low in calories – with 155 calories per 440ml, compared to 127 calories per 440ml can of Bud Light, it can also be […]

MAN v FAT Newsround 16/3/2018: Is it time to be blunt about cannabis water?

While the eyes of the world are concentrating on a suspicious poisoning, we show a way you can rid your body of another type of nasty toxin with a new controversial type of water. Also this week: a heart-warming story of generosity, surprising facts on the cleanliness of your home and an insight into the […]

How to cut down on salt

If you’re making a conscious effort to eat well, chances are that you don’t add salt to your cooking, so you might wonder why you’d need to know how to cut down on salt. I would say that I had a low-salt diet, as I don’t add salt to my cooking and although I could […]

RECIPE: Quinoa and sweet potato salad

Did you notice something strange last week? There was a brief moment when the sun shone and it felt like we were finally coming out of hibernation and into the glorious spring. Of course, it then snowed (again) and we were back to wanting to huddle under the duvet chain-drinking tea, but that’s Britain for […]