Why National Hugging Day Might Be A Missing Weight Loss Opportunity
Are you tired of counting calories and hitting the gym, but still not seeing any results on the scale? Well, it’s time to put down the kale smoothie and pick up your nearest and dearest friend, because hugging may just be the secret ingredient to weight loss you’ve been looking for. No, really – hugging […]
What Is MAN v FAT about then?
Our successful MAN v FAT Football programme has helped men in the UK shed almost 370,000lbs in excess weight over the last 6 years, through accountability, guidance and support. With over 150 MAN v FAT clubs across the UK, there will most likely be one near you and plenty of like minded men who are […]
How To Be A Great Diet Friend
Following on from why your mates don’t want you to lose weight we thought you might like a refresher on how to be the perfect diet friend. So here are five things you might be doing wrong if your pal is trying to lose weight and how to fix them so go on, be a […]
How to lose weight: Amazing Losers tell all
We love a good weight loss story here at MAN v FAT. When you’re wondering how to lose weight or if you’re struggling, it can be a much-needed boost to look at someone who has successfully lost weight as a reminder that yes, it can be done. And it definitely can – over the years […]
Celebrating the delights of a good sandwich
The end of May saw Britain celebrate one of the country’s favourite grab-n-go’s – the trusty sandwich! There’s a very small window of things better than tucking into a stack loaded with meat, salad and perfectly proportioned sauce. (Except maybe watching your team win the cup – I mean that’s pretty special too.) Let’s face […]
Introducing SilverCloud
Silvercloud Health are a leading digital mental and behavioural health platform that MAN v FAT have recently partnered with to provide mental wellbeing support to all MAN v FAT members. For the past 10 years, SilverCloud have worked in the NHS and the wider healthcare sector providing bespoke programmes. They have been delivering many digital […]
How to keep off the winter weight
Summer is officially over and the cold nights are drawing in. Many of us forget about that summer body we worked so hard for now that we can pile on the layers of clothing, but it’s worth thinking about how you can keep off the winter weight. As tempting as it is to stay indoors […]
The 15 stages of joining a slimming club
1. Please let there be another man there 2. Oh God, how much do I weigh? 3. I have literally no idea what you’re talking about Fitpoints? Syns? Simply Filling? Healthy Extras? WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN 4. This feels like the first day of school There are SO many things to get to grips […]
How to win at meal prep
Despite our best intentions, sometimes we’re just too damn lazy to get busy in the kitchen. When we’ve had a long, stressful day at work and had a frustratingly long commute home, it’s too tempting to fire up Just Eat and have someone else do the cooking. What we need is healthy food, ready to […]
8 weight loss Instagram accounts you need to follow
Weight loss Instagram accounts are the latest social media trend – posting pictures of your food helps to keep you mindful of what you’re eating and you’re likely to find a strong community of fellow dieters to keep you accountable while you’re at it. So while it’s become a bit of a cliché to snap […]