Free Tool For In-Depth Health Insights Launches On MAN v FAT

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We’re very proud to announce the launch of a free new tool on MAN v FAT this week. Someone smash a bottle of champagne on something – The Health Report is LAUNCHED!

Click the image to check it out and try it for yourself:


Exciting! Colours! Health Insights! Much new!

We created the Health Report simply because the range of health tools for men out there seemed to be lacking a number of things. We wanted a tool that would allow any man the chance to get a very quick assessment of his weight and health in less than three minutes. Even though it requires some basic information the Health Report can generate some complex insights into your health:

  • Weight related information, such as current BMI
  • Your BMR and TDEE (what the heck are these?)
  • Your estimated body fat percentages
  • Your current risk levels for Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer
  • Sleep patterns and suggestions for improving your kip
  • Your bowel health
  • Drinking levels and safety

Perhaps one of the most intriguing parts of the Health Report is that it can give you a comparison to the “average” man in your age group. If you’ve ever wondered how you measure up in a number of health concerns then you now have a very simple way to test it out.

What’s stopping you? Take the MAN v FAT Health Report now and if you nominate other men to get their Health Report (which you can do anonymously) then you can not only get them on the path to a healthier future, but you could win an exclusive MAN v FAT t-shirt.

Get going, take your Health Report now and let us know of any feedback you’ve got to help us make the tool even better!


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